Designing a Home Owners Association

Well, it is 4am, and I am enjoying the 'elephants' upstairs above me listening to the heavy bass that is rattling the windows in my space below. This is the dubious joy of condominium living. You sort of want to explode at all the inconsideration, but no one seems to care anyway. So....., you keep it inside and make sure your serenity is in check.

Home Owner Associations are suppose to work because all the neighbors agree with the rules. But, when the owners have tenants, all bets are off. It is a degree of separation that allows the owner to forget that they still have a responsibility to the Association. The Association management should keep everyone informed as to the rules, but if the Association is too small, the management company has bigger fish to be responsible for and Association does not get any attention. I see a design flaw.

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