The Design of Having Nothing to Say

I had the opportunity to view a Discovery Channel program the other day. What should have been a half hour to and hour program was stretched into 2 hours so no one would miss the commercials that seemed to interrupt the program every 12 minutes. After being beaten down by all the commercials, I was wondering what real content was left. The story was appropriate, the facts were there, and there was some discussion on the future. Yet, I had the feeling I was ripped off the the editing overlapped so much that a moron could not miss the train of thought. What is it with editors that they have to repeat the same facts over and over like I didn't get it the first time? This spongy form of documentary produces alot of nothing but sensationalism. It is boring. It is not surprising that products like TIVO are popular. But even then I am not sure that removing the commercials would improve the content with editing always drifting back and forth in time. Discovery should just tell the story.

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