Conceptual Intregrity

This is an admitted pet peeve. A project is dreamed up with a name attached to the project. The name of the project is the one word or phase that sums up the project. So when the name does not match the design, what gives?

Some of the most problematic names are those given by marketing people not doing their research. Let us say you want to describe your housing project as "Oak Glen". Does it have an "oak" or "glen" as part of the project? More on this later....


Designing with Files

Files offer a way to organize which is what design is.


The Design of Having Nothing to Say

I had the opportunity to view a Discovery Channel program the other day. What should have been a half hour to and hour program was stretched into 2 hours so no one would miss the commercials that seemed to interrupt the program every 12 minutes. After being beaten down by all the commercials, I was wondering what real content was left. The story was appropriate, the facts were there, and there was some discussion on the future. Yet, I had the feeling I was ripped off the the editing overlapped so much that a moron could not miss the train of thought. What is it with editors that they have to repeat the same facts over and over like I didn't get it the first time? This spongy form of documentary produces alot of nothing but sensationalism. It is boring. It is not surprising that products like TIVO are popular. But even then I am not sure that removing the commercials would improve the content with editing always drifting back and forth in time. Discovery should just tell the story.


A Review of Grendel

Well the world premiere of Grendel at Los Angeles Opera was a technical wonder, beautifully costumed, and richly orchestrated. Watching this opera was enjoyable for all the action of the stage and actors. Unfortunately, the plot seemed disconnected in places and empathy for the actors was not developed. Arias, while there, were not memorable or melodic. Several I spoke with said the plot did not resonant after seeing the production.

The weakness of modern opera lately seems to be focused on spectacle like Grendel's destruction of the King's Hall, and there is a loss of character development that speaks when the drama or comedy does not draw the audience into the workings of the main characters. When Nicholas and Alexandria made a debut in Los Angeles, opportunities to play up the love and character of the Czar and his wife were missed. A child aria for the son was also a missed opportunity.

Evil is played up in modern opera to give it an edge. Grendel is a spoiled brat. Rasputin is a social libertine. We laugh at Grendel's crude remarks.

But, a sense of goodness is not used as a counter balance. In Grendel, the heroes are witless or silent. Relationships fade in favor of selfishness and self focus. Ironically, the Grendels of the modern age are seen on the television news and the tawdry talk show circuit.

We miss the full range of emotion between two lovers; the king and queen of Grendel or the czar and czarina of Nicholas and Alexandra. The agony of self doubt and loathing of a dying child as Grendel or the czaravich would give us pause for reflection. Instead, we wonder if the characters have redeeming passions when the dance orgy in Grendel or the endless drama of darkness in Nicholas and Alexandra pervade scenes.

A good story needs the pull of two opposing worlds to allow the winds of change to move through the plot, inspire empathy, and deliver interest to the audience.


The following piece is called Rococco. It is part of the collection that hopefully will be seen in late August at the Long Beach Museum of Art as past of their Artisans Market 2006. This graphite image is from 1990, and is part of a set of three 5.5" by 5.5" diamonds.

Designing a Home Owners Association

Well, it is 4am, and I am enjoying the 'elephants' upstairs above me listening to the heavy bass that is rattling the windows in my space below. This is the dubious joy of condominium living. You sort of want to explode at all the inconsideration, but no one seems to care anyway. So....., you keep it inside and make sure your serenity is in check.

Home Owner Associations are suppose to work because all the neighbors agree with the rules. But, when the owners have tenants, all bets are off. It is a degree of separation that allows the owner to forget that they still have a responsibility to the Association. The Association management should keep everyone informed as to the rules, but if the Association is too small, the management company has bigger fish to be responsible for and Association does not get any attention. I see a design flaw.



Design comes in different forms as it is organization. Last night it assumed a political form. Living in the second council district of Long Beach, we were able to elect a new member. With 11 candidates to choose from, it was a varied group. The voters chose the person with the most public service experience and the highest offices held. The system of government and organization or design of the politics set that person well above all the others providing a clear approval.


2006.06.06 - The First Day

I am a landscape architect and artist.

The firm I have is an extension of my creativity.

The comments here will relate to that firm and the projects I am working on.

For those that review this blog will be informed of the thought process behind the projects and show the projects once they are completed.

Thank you for your patronage.