Hosea is Speaking for Today From the Past

If you do not know Hosea, he was a prophet that lived during a time of decline as Isreal slowly fell into chaos and into Assyrian hands. Interesting, the prophets could have been writing about our present world wide recession.

In his book, The 12 Minor Prophets by George I. Robinson, the author explains Hosea in relation to the times he was living in. What struck me as interesting was the similarity to Hosea's time and the recession is are now in the grips of feeling. The angst Hosea feels for the crumbling Jewish nation rings powerfully in today's ear if we are willing to listen through all the information being thrown at us in this age.

If you are Christian or Jewish, the first chapter of Robinson's book will be an eye opener. The relationship between sin at a micro level and a country's fortunes on a macro level are stunning.

Copyright 2009 by Frederick Cornwell Sanders. All rights reserved.

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