Design of the Day

Well it should not surprise anyone when I say that we have good and bad days. I am not sure why we have them, but I think it is partly due to the pace of our day. Frantic pace rarely produces a "good" day in my opinion. When something goes wrong, we say that the day was not "good." When the day is too boring; the day is not thought of as a "good" day.

I think my best days are the ones with a balance of structure and accomplishment. They seem to end with a positive outlook. They are days that a sense of peace pervades the deeds and actions.

Today is a good day as most are. We remember the bad days maybe because they get fewer in number as we progress into our better days. It is just a suggestion. Yet, even a gray day can be 'good' when compared to a black day.

I like my house to face east to brighten my day. A "good" day is usually brighter, yet there have been some stormy days that were "good" as in different. I remember a "good" day when we lived in Kansas City and the tornado threats were present, but the clouds were awesome columns with lightening passing through clear blue sky. The winds excited the air. You knew an adventure was about to happen for this teenager. That was a "good" day. The weather front came through, and we hid in the basement. My Mom was out shopping in the Country Club Plaza with a good friend. We wondered how they were doing near the center of town. We listened to the radio for weather updates while the war of weather carried on above us. We were all safe. It was a "good" day.

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