Personality is Design

I do not think we approach seeing personalities this way. But, we are designed to be the way we are. Whether it is the environment, activities, interests, or physical makeup, none of us is alike. This helps to distinguish what in our make-up is changing or is constant as we try to better ourselves.


Design of the Morning

If you think this is about the sunrise, it happens earlier than that. Lately, I have been waking up before dawn. I am finding it to be a great time to get in touch with God, my higher power, and the Universe. In the silence of the morning, the quiet has a great concentrating effect on me. I am enjoying reading and thinking.

Ususally I am up due to nature calling, but it may be hard to go back to sleep. If my mind is spinning with ideas, I turn on the light and get my day started. There is always time for a nap later.

I am learning not to fight my body so much when it want to get up and think or do something. The time is usually productive, and I know the day has started on positive footing.


Design of a Coffee Cup

The other day I received a Starbucks coffee cup with a dark roast I usually get to keep me awake way past my bed time. I began to notice the amount of information on the cup. Most ignore all this stuff, but it fasinates me.

There is the logo, the legal 'it is hot' statement, assorted boxes for the barristas to add ingredients, a statement about recycling, The Way I See It #198 quote, more legal opinion about the opinion, the manufacturer's information tucked under the cup, the manufacturuer's information on the lid, Patent Office Number, etc.

If our world is more complicated, it is all shown on the Starbouck's cup. We live in a corporate world that is heavily legal as shown by the mention of Solo, NBC, Starbucks, and lots of legal language. People are busy, we so add reminders to the workers to check to correct box and circle the correct code. The client gets to be entertained and informed while drinking their concoction. There are codes the manufacturers know, but they seem secret to me. We find where the cup is made, yet the States are a pretty large place, so it is not that specific. Coffee is hot we are told two times in case we have no common sense. It is made of recycled materials, but now that it is used for food, it cannot be recycled any more.

Simplicity is gone from our world. Everything has to be noticed. The cacaphony of messages boils down into white noise where nothing is really seen, but the weight of the sensory assault numbs us into thinking we need more drama in our lives.