Quiet is underrated

God created quiet for a reason, but I cannot tell you exactly why. I can say that what quiet does for me as a creative individual is concentrate my thought process and increase my focus.

Quiet can be a relative thing depending on the place you are. I am sitting here listening to a combination of the landscape maintenance crew and the air conditioning. While this is not ideal, it is better than the television. We all have our own perceptions of quiet.

Those perceptions give some people peace when the television is turned on and they are on the phone. Other people find the library more to there liking. Finding quiet in the outdoors and away from the city can be easy.

Many of us have enjoyed an afternoon under a tree with just the wind in the leaves. Yet, nature can provide its own levels of quiet and noise depending on your mood. Thunder, ocean waves, and water falls provide levels of quiet and noise some of us find peaceful.

As of late, quiet seems to be underrated. As we become more urbanized, we are used to increased stress on our ear. Some people prefer that level of sound as they are accustomed to it. Yet, I find it hard to concentrate on God with so many stimuli reaching my ears. When I want to gain a clearer picture of God, I tend to find it helps me to shut the urban sounds out. Their proximity calls my attention away from my relationship to God. God's presence is omnipresent and subtle. Quiet brings God's presence forth to nurture my relationship. Quiet renews me.

INITIVM is accepting submissions

If you having a new work you want published, please locate INITIVM's guidelines for submittal at www.initivm.com. We welcome all with a creative spirit.


The Kitchen Garden

If you have not done a kitchen garden, you have missed a fulfilling experience. I have a very small one off my dining room on the balcany facing east. the container garden has been a real learning experience even for a horticulturist like myself. The California sun always is a factor no matter what side of the building you are on. Then, you cannot forget to tend to the watering. I am still wondering how earthworms and caterpillars find there way into and onto the plants. But I enjoy the best produce since I grew it myself!


For those that feel creative, you are welcome to provide a submission to INITIVM III to V. Just go to the web site to find out more.